Robert Frailey


Cell: (607) 343-6323

Meet The Elected Local 648 Officers

​Our Commitment to Binghamton University and its Future:

​​​Local 648

 p. 607.777.4377

Julie Barry, Alternate Delegate
Vince Huyck, Alternate Delegate
Jonathan Woolin-Wood, Alternate Delegate

Binghamton University - 4400 Vestal Pkwy E, Vestal, NY 13850​​

Ours is a coalition of diverse, skilled and talented workers in a diverse workplace, united with hundreds of other labor groups across the nation through our affiliations with the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) and the AFL-CIO. We take exceptional pride in the quality of our work and our contributions to Binghamton University's goals of excellence in higher education and to its commitment to providing an outstanding facility to scholars and researchers alike. Our members have thousands of years of combined service to the University, and we are committed to working together with our Administration, as much as possible, as partners to continue a future of excellence. 

We all have a stake in the future of Binghamton University, not merely as employees, but also as parents, neighbors and taxpayers. We recognize that the quality of the educational tools we impart on our graduates is the direct result of the financial support the University receives in New York State's budget. We stand committed to supporting the University's need for increased funding and support.

CSEA has always been a strong advocate for the SUNY system and will continue to fight for the future success of all our campuses, including Binghamton University. We hope you will join with us in helping to persevere.

Fran Sala

Fourth Vice President
Cell: (607) 427-7670

​​Brendon Barnett

Third Vice President

Cell: (808) 277-1452

Jeff Zepkowski

Executive Vice President

Cell: (607) 341-2592

David Hektor​

Second Vice President

Cell: (607) 768-8181

Vacant - TBD


​​​​Raymond Hallett Jr.

Cell: (607) 206-9429